Knock on Wood Percussion
I am excited to announce my new percussion group, Knock on Wood Percussion! The ensemble features my incredible percussion colleagues and friends from Southern Oregon – Reed Bentley, Bryan Jeffs, and Theresa McCoy! I am so thrilled that they are joining me in this dynamic new ensemble.
We will make our debut on Sunday, September 17, from 1–4pm as part of “Artists in the Amphitheater: A Day With the Rogue Valley Symphony” at The Children’s Museum of Southern Oregon in Medford. (Reed won’t be with us on this one as he is busy playing “Rent” at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival at the moment.)
We will lead attendees in an improvisation on the incredible percussion sculptures in The Children’s Museum’s new outdoor percussion playspace, and we will perform:
Trio for Ogun by N. Scott Robinson
Shui by Juri Seo
Elevens for Dan Kennedy by Terry Longshore
Come out and listen and/or play along!